








// TGraphics.h: interface for the CTGraphics class.
// 本源码由C++技术网(提供
// 源码由国外作者编写,C++技术网主动推广使用,降低技术门槛
// 如有版权问题,C++技术网概不负责,仅作为学习交流使用,请勿商用

#if !defined(TGRAPHICS_H)

class CTGraphics  
	virtual ~CTGraphics();

	// CTGraphics class interface
	void DrawLine(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, COLORREF color);
	void DrawPolyline(HDC hDC, POINT* points, int numberPoints, COLORREF color);
	void DrawPolygon(HDC hDC, POINT* points, int numberPoints, COLORREF color);
	void DrawEllipse(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, COLORREF color);
	void DrawArc(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float startAngle, float endAngle, COLORREF color);
	void DrawPie(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float startAngle, float endAngle, COLORREF color);
	void DrawChord(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float startAngle, float endAngle, COLORREF color);
	void DrawRoundRect(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int width, int height, COLORREF color);
	void DrawBezier(HDC hDC, POINT* points, int numPoints, COLORREF color);


#endif // !defined(TGRAPHICS_H)

// TGraphics.cpp: implementation of the CTGraphics class.  
// 本源码由C++技术网(提供
// 源码由国外作者编写,C++技术网主动推广使用,降低技术门槛
// 如有版权问题,C++技术网概不负责,仅作为学习交流使用,请勿商用

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TGraphics.h"
#include "math.h"



void CTGraphics::DrawLine(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, COLORREF color)
	// Calculate line params
	int dx = (x2 - x1);
	int dy = (y2 - y1);
	COLORREF bgColor;
	int temp;
	float k;

	// Set start pixel
	::SetPixel(hDC, x1, y1, color);

	// X-dominant line
	if (abs(dx) > abs(dy))
		// Ex-change line end points
		if (dx < 0)
			temp = x1;
			x1 = x2;
			x2 = temp;

			temp = y1;
			y1 = y2;
			y2 = temp;
		k = (float)dy / (float)dx;

		// Set middle pixels
		int xs;
		float yt = (float)y1 + k;
		float distance;
		UCHAR red, green, blue;
		for (xs=x1+1; xs<x2; xs++)
			distance = (float)(yt - (int)(yt));

			bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, xs, (int)yt);
			red = (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(color));
			green = (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(color));
			blue = (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(color));
			::SetPixel(hDC, xs, (int)yt, RGB(red,green,blue));

			bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, xs, (int)yt+1);
			red = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(color));
			green = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(color));
			blue = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(color));
			::SetPixel(hDC, xs, (int)yt+1, RGB(red,green,blue));

			yt += k;
	// Y-dominant line
		// Ex-change line end points
		if (dy < 0)
			temp = x1;
			x1 = x2;
			x2 = temp;

			temp = y1;
			y1 = y2;
			y2 = temp;
		k = (float)dx / (float)dy;

		// Set middle pixels
		int ys;
		float xt = (float)x1 + k;
		float distance;
		UCHAR red, green, blue;
		for (ys=y1+1; ys<y2; ys++)
			distance = (float)(xt - (int)(xt));

			bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, (int)xt, ys);
			red = (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(color));
			green = (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(color));
			blue = (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(color));
			::SetPixel(hDC, (int)xt, ys, RGB(red,green,blue));

			bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, (int)xt+1, ys);
			red = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(color));
			green = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(color));
			blue = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(color));
			::SetPixel(hDC, (int)xt+1, ys, RGB(red,green,blue));

			xt += k;

	// Set end pixel
	::SetPixel(hDC, x2, y2, color);

void CTGraphics::DrawPolyline(HDC hDC, POINT* points, int numberPoints, COLORREF color)
	for (int i=0; i<numberPoints-1; i++)
		DrawLine(hDC, points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i+1].x, points[i+1].y, color);

void CTGraphics::DrawPolygon(HDC hDC, POINT* points, int numberPoints, COLORREF color)
	DrawPolyline(hDC, points, numberPoints, color);
	DrawLine(hDC, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[numberPoints-1].x, points[numberPoints-1].y, color);

void CTGraphics::DrawEllipse(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, COLORREF color)
	int centerX = (x1 + x2) / 2;
	int centerY = (y1 + y2) / 2;
	int dx = (x2 - x1);
	int dy = (y2 - y1);
	int radiusX = (int)(fabs((double)dx) / 2.0f);
	int radiusY = (int)(fabs((double)dy) / 2.0f);
	float rel = (float)sqrt((double)(radiusX*radiusX + radiusY*radiusY)) / (float)radiusY;
	COLORREF bgColor;
	int temp;
	float distance;
	UCHAR red, green, blue;

	if (x2 < x1)
		temp = x1;
		x1 = x2;
		x2 = temp;

		temp = y1;
		y1 = y2;
		y2 = temp;

	int xs;
	float yt;
	for (xs=-radiusX; xs<=radiusX; xs++)
		yt = (float)(radiusY * sqrt(1-(float)(xs*xs)/(float)(radiusX*radiusX)));
		distance = (float)(yt - (int)yt);

		bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt);
		red = (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(color));
		green = (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(color));
		blue = (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(color));
		::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt, RGB(red,green,blue));

		bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt+1);
		red = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(color));
		green = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(color));
		blue = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(color));
		::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt+1, RGB(red,green,blue));

		bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX-xs, centerY-(int)yt);
		red = (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(color));
		green = (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(color));
		blue = (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(color));
		::SetPixel(hDC, centerX-xs, centerY-(int)yt, RGB(red,green,blue));

		bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX-xs, centerY-(int)yt-1);
		red = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(color));
		green = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(color));
		blue = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(color));
		::SetPixel(hDC, centerX-xs, centerY-(int)yt-1, RGB(red,green,blue));

	int ys;
	float xt;
	for (ys=-(int)((float)radiusY/rel); ys<=(int)((float)radiusY/rel); ys++)
		xt = (float)(radiusX * sqrt(1-(float)(ys*ys)/(float)(radiusY*radiusY)));
		distance = (float)(xt - (int)xt);

		bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt, centerY+ys);
		red = (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(color));
		green = (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(color));
		blue = (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(color));
		::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));

		bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt+1, centerY+ys);
		red = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(color));
		green = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(color));
		blue = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(color));
		::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt+1, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));

		bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt, centerY-ys);
		red = (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(color));
		green = (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(color));
		blue = (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(color));
		::SetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt, centerY-ys, RGB(red,green,blue));

		bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt-1, centerY-ys);
		red = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(color));
		green = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(color));
		blue = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(color));
		::SetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt-1, centerY-ys, RGB(red,green,blue));

void CTGraphics::DrawArc(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float startAngle, float endAngle, COLORREF color)
	int centerX = (x1 + x2) / 2;
	int centerY = (y1 + y2) / 2;
	int dx = (x2 - x1);
	int dy = (y2 - y1);
	int radiusX = (abs(dx) / 2);
	int radiusY = (abs(dy) / 2);
	COLORREF bgColor;
	float distance;
	UCHAR red, green, blue;

	float angle = 0.0f;
	while ((angle+90.0f) < startAngle)
		angle += 90.0f;
	while (angle < endAngle)
		if (startAngle >= angle)
			float eAngle;
			if (endAngle <= angle+90.0f)
				eAngle = endAngle;
				eAngle = angle+90.0f;

			float sx = (float)(radiusX*cos((startAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
			if (sx > 0.0f)
				sx += 0.5f;
				sx -= 0.5f;
			int startX = (int)sx;
			int endX = (int)(radiusX*cos((eAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
			int deltaX;
			if (endX - startX != 0)
				deltaX = (int)((endX-startX) / fabs((double)(endX-startX)));
				deltaX = 0;

			float sy = (float)(radiusY*sin((startAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
			if (sy > 0.0f)
				sy += 0.5f;
				sy -= 0.5f;
			int startY = (int)sy;
			int endY = (int)(radiusY*sin((eAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
			int deltaY;
			if (endY - startY != 0)
				deltaY = (int)((endY-startY) / fabs((double)(endY-startY)));
				deltaY = 0;

			if (deltaX != 0)
				int oldY = startY;
				int xs = startX;
				float yt;
				while (xs != endX)
					yt = (float)(radiusY * sqrt(1.0f-(float)(xs*xs)/(float)(radiusX*radiusX)));
					distance = (float)(yt - (int)yt);

					if (abs(oldY - (int)yt) < 2)
						if (deltaX < 0)
							if (deltaY > 0)
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt);
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt);
							if (deltaY < 0)
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY-(int)yt);
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY-(int)yt);
						red = (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(color));
						green = (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(color));
						blue = (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(color));
						if (deltaX < 0)
							if (deltaY > 0)
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt, RGB(red,green,blue));
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt, RGB(red,green,blue));
							if (deltaY < 0)
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY-(int)yt, RGB(red,green,blue));
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY-(int)yt, RGB(red,green,blue));

						if (deltaX < 0)
							if (deltaY > 0)
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt+1);
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt+1);
							if (deltaY < 0)
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY-(int)yt-1);
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY-(int)yt-1);
						red = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(color));
						green = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(color));
						blue = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(color));
						if (deltaX < 0)
							if (deltaY > 0)
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt+1, RGB(red,green,blue));
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY+(int)yt+1, RGB(red,green,blue));
							if (deltaY < 0)
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY-(int)yt-1, RGB(red,green,blue));
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+xs, centerY-(int)yt-1, RGB(red,green,blue));
					oldY = (int)yt;
					xs += deltaX;

			if (deltaY != 0)
				int oldX = startX;
				int ys = startY;
				float xt;
				while (ys != endY)
					xt = (float)(radiusX * sqrt(1.0f-(float)(ys*ys)/(float)(radiusY*radiusY)));
					distance = (float)(xt - (int)xt);

					if (abs(oldX - (int)xt) < 2)
						if (deltaX < 0)
							if (deltaY > 0)
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt, centerY+ys);
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt, centerY+ys);
							if (deltaY < 0)
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt, centerY+ys);
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt, centerY+ys);
						red = (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(color));
						green = (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(color));
						blue = (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(color));
						if (deltaX < 0)
							if (deltaY > 0)
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));
							if (deltaY < 0)
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));

						if (deltaX < 0)
							if (deltaY > 0)
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt+1, centerY+ys);
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt-1, centerY+ys);
							if (deltaY < 0)
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt-1, centerY+ys);
								bgColor = ::GetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt+1, centerY+ys);
						red = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetRValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetRValue(color));
						green = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetGValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetGValue(color));
						blue = (UCHAR)((1.0f-distance)*GetBValue(bgColor)) + (UCHAR)(distance*GetBValue(color));
						if (deltaX < 0)
							if (deltaY > 0)
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt+1, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt-1, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));
							if (deltaY < 0)
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX-(int)xt-1, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));
								::SetPixel(hDC, centerX+(int)xt+1, centerY+ys, RGB(red,green,blue));

					oldX = (int)xt;
					ys += deltaY;

		angle += 90.0f;
		startAngle = angle;

void CTGraphics::DrawPie(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float startAngle, float endAngle, COLORREF color)
	int centerX = (x1 + x2) / 2;
	int centerY = (y1 + y2) / 2;
	int dx = (x2 - x1);
	int dy = (y2 - y1);
	int radiusX = (abs(dx) / 2);
	int radiusY = (abs(dy) / 2);

	int startX = (int)(radiusX*cos((startAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
	int startY = (int)(radiusY*sin((startAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
	int endX = (int)(radiusX*cos((endAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
	int endY = (int)(radiusY*sin((endAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
	if (endX < 0)
		if (endY > 0)
		if (endY < 0)

	DrawArc(hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, startAngle, endAngle, color);
	DrawLine(hDC, centerX, centerY, centerX+startX, centerY+startY, color);
	DrawLine(hDC, centerX, centerY, centerX+endX, centerY+endY, color);

void CTGraphics::DrawChord(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float startAngle, float endAngle, COLORREF color)
	int centerX = (x1 + x2) / 2;
	int centerY = (y1 + y2) / 2;
	int dx = (x2 - x1);
	int dy = (y2 - y1);
	int radiusX = (abs(dx) / 2);
	int radiusY = (abs(dy) / 2);

	int startX = (int)(radiusX*cos((startAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
	int startY = (int)(radiusY*sin((startAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
	int endX = (int)(radiusX*cos((endAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
	int endY = (int)(radiusY*sin((endAngle/180.0f)*3.1415f));
	if (endX < 0)
		if (endY > 0)
		if (endY < 0)

	DrawArc(hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, startAngle, endAngle, color);
	DrawLine(hDC, centerX+startX, centerY+startY, centerX+endX, centerY+endY, color);

void CTGraphics::DrawRoundRect(HDC hDC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int width, int height, COLORREF color)
	int dx = (x2 - x1);
	int dy = (y2 - y1);
	int offsetX = width / 2;
	width = offsetX * 2;
	int offsetY = height / 2;
	height = offsetY * 2;

	if ((width > abs(dx)) || (height > abs(dy)))
		DrawEllipse(hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
		DrawLine(hDC, x1+offsetX, y1, x2-offsetX, y1, color);
		DrawArc(hDC, x2-width, y1, x2, y1+height, 270.0f, 360.0f, color);
		DrawLine(hDC, x2, y1+offsetY, x2, y2-offsetY, color);
		DrawArc(hDC, x2-width, y2-height, x2, y2, 0.0f, 90.0f, color);
		DrawLine(hDC, x2-offsetX, y2, x1+offsetX, y2, color);
		DrawArc(hDC, x1, y2-height, x1+width, y2, 90.0f, 180.0f, color);
		DrawLine(hDC, x1, y2-offsetY, x1, y1+offsetY, color);
		DrawArc(hDC, x1, y1, x1+width, y1+height, 180.0f, 270.0f, color);

void CTGraphics::DrawBezier(HDC hDC, POINT* points, int numPoints, COLORREF color)
	int numCurves = (numPoints-1) / 3;
	int numReqPoints = numCurves*3 + 1;

	if (numPoints >= numReqPoints)
		POINT startPoint, endPoint, controlPoint1, controlPoint2;
		float distance1, distance2, distance3, distanceX, distanceY;
		float ax, bx, cx, ay, by, cy, t, step;
		float xt, yt, k, k1;
		int oldX, oldY, oldX1, oldY1;
		for (int i=0; i<numCurves; i++)
			startPoint = points[i*3];
			controlPoint1 = points[i*3+1];
			controlPoint2 = points[i*3+2];
			endPoint = points[i*3+3];

			if (controlPoint1.y == controlPoint2.y)
				DrawLine(hDC, startPoint.x, startPoint.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y, color);
				distance1 = (float)sqrt(pow((double)(controlPoint1.x-startPoint.x),2) + pow((double)(controlPoint1.y-startPoint.y),2));
				distance2 = (float)sqrt(pow((double)(controlPoint2.x-controlPoint1.x),2) + pow((double)(controlPoint2.y-controlPoint1.y),2));
				distance3 = (float)sqrt(pow((double)(endPoint.x-controlPoint2.x),2) + pow((double)(endPoint.y-controlPoint2.y),2));
				step = 1.0f / (distance1+distance2+distance3);

				cx = 3.0f*(controlPoint1.x - startPoint.x);
				bx = 3.0f*(controlPoint2.x - controlPoint1.x) - cx;
				ax = endPoint.x - startPoint.x - bx - cx;

				cy = 3.0f*(controlPoint1.y - startPoint.y);
				by = 3.0f*(controlPoint2.y - controlPoint1.y) - cy;
				ay = endPoint.y - startPoint.y - by - cy;

				oldX = startPoint.x;
				oldY = startPoint.y;
				k1 = 0.0f;
				for (t=0.0f; t<=1.0f; t+=step)
					xt = ax*(t*t*t) + bx*(t*t) + cx*t + startPoint.x;
					yt = ay*(t*t*t) + by*(t*t) + cy*t + startPoint.y;

					distanceX = (float)(xt - (int)(xt));
					distanceY = (float)(yt - (int)(yt));

					if (((int)xt != oldX) && ((int)yt != oldY))
						oldX1 = oldX;
						oldY1 = oldY;

						k = (float)((int)yt - oldY) / (float)((int)xt - oldX);

						if (k != k1)
							DrawLine(hDC, oldX, oldY, (int)xt, (int)yt, color);

							k1 = k;
							oldX = (int)xt;
							oldY = (int)yt;
				if (((int)xt != oldX1) || ((int)yt != oldY1))
					int dx = ((int)xt - oldX1);
					int dy = ((int)yt - oldY1);

					if (abs(dx) > abs(dy))
						if (dy > 0)
							DrawLine(hDC, oldX, oldY, (int)xt, (int)yt+1, color);
							DrawLine(hDC, oldX, oldY, (int)xt, (int)yt-1, color);
						if (dx > 0)
							DrawLine(hDC, oldX, oldY, (int)xt+1, (int)yt, color);
							DrawLine(hDC, oldX, oldY, (int)xt-1, (int)yt, color);
